Queendom has several various operational arms, ranging from live entertainment to distributing cinematic blockbuster films to acquiring global brand partners that use our endeavors to get worldwide brand exposure and economic development. The aim of Queendom Company is to capture the attention of the globe from every viewpoint.

Queendom currently has four divisions: Queendom Music Group, Queendom Pictures and Television, Live@Queendom, and Queen's Agency.

Our core values are the deep-rooted principles that guide our company's behavior and actions; they serve as our cultural keystone. Queendom's core values are innate and inviolable and can never be undermined.

  • Do What's Honorable

  • Respect

  • Humility

  • Put Clients First

  • Respect… Again

We’re here to make dreams come true. to nurture the world. to inspire others. not to increase our bank account.